Dauphin county magisterial district court docket Mikhail Shane Horvath, MJ-12203-TR-0000143-2018 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, David H. MDJ Wenner is active in his church and local community. 3 million budget, 90 employees, processes 100,000 cases each year, and realizes revenue of approximately $2 million annually. , MJ-12105-TR-0001993-2019 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Magisterial District Judge Hanif L. respective state court) $70. The Sheriff of Dauphin County shall forward the warrant to the appropriate police agency for service. 8 mile away. Most of the work is a direct result of cases bound over for court from the county's sixteen magisterial district judges and from dispositions in the courtroom. Sarah Barnhart, MJ-12202-CV-0000142-2020 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Kenneth A. Case docket: Penn Waste, Inc. Request a Demo or create your One original and two copies of the Notice of Appeal along with a proof of service, copy of docket entry and a request for transcript must be filed with the Clerk of Courts Office with filing fees of $ 85. Magisterial Court 12 1 06 12th District Dauphin County Below is a directory of court locations in Dauphin County. The Dauphin County Mental Health Court is designed to offer offenders with serious mental illness the opportunity for treatment Case docket: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Nearby Courts: Magisterial Court 12 1 02 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-1-02, 2967-a North 7th Street 1. Keith A. Upon arrest, the defendant shall be taken to the appropriate Magisterial District Judge without unnecessary delay. presiding, last filing 03/22/2018, filed 11/19/2015. 12-0-01. Magisterial Court 12 2 04 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-2-04, 1805 North Cameron Street 1. m. This will give you the case information from the beginning to the most recent events. The Dauphin County Veteran's Court Program is specifically designed for veterans involved in the Criminal Justice System. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF DAUPHIN COUNTY DOCKET Docket Number: CP-22-CR-0005089-2021 Court Case CRIMINAL DOCKET Page 1 of 8 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Dauphin County Judicial Center 451 Mall Rd Veteran's Court is handled on a specialized criminal court docket involving Veterans charged with criminal offense(s), by diverting eligible Veteran-defendants with substance dependency and/or mental illness. Bean, MJ-12105-LT-0000052-2018 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Magisterial District Judge Hanif L. GTS Essentials Video Training Magisterial District Judges; Court of Common Pleas Dauphin Property Info; Open Records; Ordinances & Resolutions; Deputy Court Administrator – Magisterial District Judges 2 S 2nd St 3 rd Floor Harrisburg, PA 17101 (717) 780-6637 Dauphin County currently has 14 Magisterial District Judges that are located throughout the county. The Deputy Court Administrator- MDJ acts as a liaison between the President Judge (PJ) and the 15 Magisterial District Judges (MDJ), Night, Central, and Housing Court Offices in Dauphin County, and between the PJ and the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC). All Magisterial District Court docket numbers begin with ‘MJ’ and follow a To view the case details for an individual docket, select the D icon on the right hand side of the page as seen in the image below. 7 mile away First elected Magisterial District Judge in 1987, he is currently serving his third term in that office. Thereafter, she practiced law in the private sector from 1998 until taking office as Magisterial District Judge in January, 2000. Lenker was born and raised in Swatara Township. 65: 2. Magisterial Court 12 2 03 12th District Dauphin County Nearby Courts: Magisterial Court 12 3 03 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-3-03, 5925 Stevenson Avenue, Suite B 1. Magisterial District Courts. Dauphin County Magisterial District Court First elected Magisterial District Judge in 1987, he is currently serving his third term in that office. Select Search. Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania Amanda Carter, Director of Fines & Costs Dauphin County Courthouse Basement 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Phone: (717) 780-6600 Courthouse Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:00PM Closed from 12:00PM-1:00PM Administration Building 2 South 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Courthouse 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Case docket: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Dauphin County Court of Common Pleas Schedules. Lenker presiding, last filing 10/07/2020, filed 09/28/2020. The Magisterial District Judge System has a $7. Johnson presiding, last filing 02/05/2018, filed 01/24/2018. David Michael Willey, MJ-12101-TR-0000938-2024 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Marian Urrutia presiding, last filing 06/11/2024, filed 04/15/2024. 50 made payable to the Prothonotary of the Superior Court The Pennsylvania Judiciary Web Portal provides the public with access to various aspects of court information, including appellate courts, common pleas courts and magisterial district court docket sheets; common pleas courts and magisterial district court calendars; and PAePay. Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. After graduation from law school in 1995, she became an assistant Dauphin County public defender. & Ejectment Index Please use the links below and select "Search Records as Guest" 1785 through June 30, 1973 Deputy Court Administrator - Magisterial District Judges (717) 780-6637 Phone (717) 780-6468 Fax jwilliams@dauphincounty. Dauphin, PA 17018. Administration Building 2 South 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Courthouse 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Magisterial District Judge Kenneth A. He was an Assistant Public Defender, Deputy District Attorney, and owner of Shaffer & Engle Law Offices, LLC from 1999-2021. 75: $78. presiding, last filing 01/23/2020, filed 01/14/2020. Main Phone: 717-780-6530. 6 miles away. Smith presiding, last filing 05/25/2018, filed 01/12/2018. It is a system of minor court judges designed to hear cases involving traffic violations, minor criminal matters, disputes between landlords and tenants, and civil cases such as contract matters or injuries with damages claimed up to $12,000. Andrice Bartow, Jameka Beasley, Sean Smith, MJ-12104-LT-0000306-2011 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Magisterial District Judge David O'Leary presiding, last The Public Access to Court Records (PACER) US website can help you find case and docket information. 9 mile away. The Self-Help Center was established in 2005 and is a collaborate effort between the Dauphin County Court and the Dauphin County Bar Association so that citizens of Dauphin County had access to certain forms and instructions. 16: $22. Magisterial Court 12 3 03 12th District Dauphin County Brooke Alexandria Bechtold, MJ-12205-CR-0000319-2024 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Magisterial District Judge Paul T. 5 mile away. Stouffer, MJ-12301-TR-0001973-2024 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Rebecca Jo Margerum presiding, last filing 06/29/2024, filed 06/29/2024. Request a Demo or create your If the court issues a warrant, the court shall forward the warrant to the Sheriff of Dauphin County. Dauphin County Language Access Plan Magisterial Court 12 0 00 12th District Dauphin County in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Administration Building 2 South 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Courthouse 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Case docket: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Magisterial Court 12 0 01 12th District Dauphin County Nearby Courts: Magisterial Court 12 1 06 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-1-06, 5201 Jonestown Road 1. Watson, MJ-12102-LT-0000190-2020 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Barbara W. Court offices are not able to provide legal advice, they may only tell you limited procedural information. Magisterial Court 12 1 01 12th District Dauphin County Opinions Search court opinions and postings Cases of Public Interest Find information on cases Court of Judicial Discipline New postings Docket Sheets Search, view and print court docket sheets Pay Traffic Ticket or Court Costs Securely pay fines, costs, and restitution Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets. Judge Lenker is a 1972 graduate of Central Dauphin East High School. Dauphin County Court Administrator’s Office Dauphin County Courthouse 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 . These services are provided free of charge to requestors. He is a member of the Special Court Judges Association of PA, the Dauphin County Bar Association, and the PA Bar Association. Notice The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. The Dauphin County Mental Health Court is designed to offer offenders with serious mental illness the opportunity for treatment Administration Building 2 South 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Courthouse 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Veteran's Court is handled on a specialized criminal court docket involving Veterans charged with criminal offense(s), by diverting eligible Veteran-defendants with substance dependency and/or mental illness. Civil Records November 1, 2001 through Current Misc. Lehman Group, Inc. Select the Docket Type (Criminal). Fast Fact Dauphin County Court of Common Pleas Judge Rich Lewis administered the oath of office to MDJ Wenner in 2003. Each Magisterial District Judge is elected to a 6-year Amanda Carter, Director of Fines & Costs Dauphin County Courthouse Basement 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Phone: (717) 780-6600 Courthouse Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:00PM Closed from 12:00PM-1:00PM Nearby Courts: Magisterial Court 12 0 01 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-0-01, 501 Mall Road 0. Docket Number - you will need to have the docket in the following format: CP-22-CR-XXXXXXX-XXXX Example: CP-22-CR-0001234-2016. Magisterial Court 12 3 04 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-3-04, 576 East Main Street 3. Magisterial District Judge James A. Dauphin County Central Court 12-0-01 451 Mall Road Harrisburg, PA 17111 Phone: (717) 780-6824 Fax: (717) 561-4196. He finds the position to be very intellectually challenging and interesting. Case docket: GIRL SCOUTS IN THE HEART OF PENNSYLVANIA v. Monday through Friday. Nearby Courts: Magisterial Court 12 3 04 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-3-04, 576 East Main Street 3. Courts Cheat Sheet; Query Builder Ashlie Morgan Zeiders, MJ-12205-CR-0000018-2018 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Magisterial District Judge Paul T. 5 miles away. Magisterial Court 12 2 02 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-2-02, 102 Agnes Street 0. 1 miles away. Judy presiding, last filing 10/04/2024, filed 05/09/2024. McKnight. Prothonotary Online Forms. Magisterial Court 12 1 04 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-1-04, 1520 Walnut Street 0. , d/b/a Lehman Property Management c/o Glenn Lehman & Dian Lehman, MJ-12104-CV-0000309-2020 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Magisterial District Judge David O'Leary presiding, last filing 12/09/2020, filed 10/29/2020. Minor Courts. Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-0-00 Dauphin County Judicial Center 451 Mall Road Harrisburg, PA 17111 Phone: (717) 780-6824 Fax: (717) 561-4196. Zozos presiding, last filing 02/23/2018, filed 01/11/2018. He currently serves as President of the Dauphin County Magisterial District Judge Association. Dauphin County complies with applicable Federal civil laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age Nearby Courts: Magisterial Court 17 3 03 17th District Snyder County Magisterial District Court 17-3-03, 1025 U. With no opposition in the November 3, 2009 General Election Case docket: City of Harrisburg Tax & Enforcement Office v. 6 mile away. Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-0-00. Otis Jordan Jr. Courts Cheat Sheet; Query Builder Administration Building 2 South 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Courthouse 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Case docket: Paul Peffley Jr. Magisterial District Court 12-3-02 - Dauphin. Magisterial District Judges; Philadelphia Municipal Court Judges; Pittsburgh Municipal Court Judges; view and print court docket sheets; Pay Fine or Fees Securely pay fines, costs, and restitution Dauphin County Welcome to Dauphin County Courts . Day Allison G Decker, MJ-12102-TR-0001088-2024 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, J. Kauffman, MJ-12203-TR-0000797-2024 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, David H. Marcus M Orser, MJ-12104-NT-0000660-2015 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Magisterial District Judge David O'Leary presiding, last filing 12/02/2015, filed 09/23/2015. McKnight Magisterial District Court 12-2-04 12th Judicial District Dauphin County 2 JD 2023 HARRISBURG, PA - On Wednesday, September 6, 2023, the Judicial Conduct Board filed formal charges in the Court of Judicial Discipline against Dauphin County Magisterial District Judge Sonya M. 3 miles away. Magisterial Court 19 3 09 19th District York County Magisterial District Court 19-3-09, 700 Yorktowne Road 4. For Magisterial District courts, the case has a docket type of Traffic(TR), Non - Traffic(NT), or Criminal(CR). Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. Magisterial District Courts in Dauphin County. Request a Demo or create your SUBJECT: Magisterial District Judge Sonya M. Magisterial Court 12 3 05 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-3-05, 7810 Allentown Boulevard 2. 8 miles away. The official records of the Dauphin County Prothonotary are located in the Dauphin County Prothonotary's Office. Judge Engle served as a Solicitor for the Dauphin County Tax Assessment Appeal Board, 2008 – 2021, Central Dauphin School District 2010-2021, and Susquehanna Township School District 2014-2020. 1025 Peters Mtn Rd. To view the case details for an individual docket, select the D icon on the right hand side of the page as seen in the Case docket: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Administration Building 2 South 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Courthouse 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Bill became a Magisterial District Judge on June 2, 2003. Harrisburg, PA 17101. He was elected as Magisterial District Judge in 2009 and sworn in at the Dauphin County Courthouse by President Judge Richard A. Request a Demo or create your account Bill became a Magisterial District Judge on June 2, 2003. Magisterial Court 12 3 05 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-3-05, 7810 Allentown Boulevard 3. presiding, last filing 12/24/2019, filed 11/27/2019. 00 Conditions. Magisterial District Judge Michael Smith was appointed to fill the seat vacated by the retirement of Magisterial District Judge Bob Yanich. 00 *Road Docket Cases: $19. Nearby Courts: Magisterial Court 41 3 03 41st District Perry County Magisterial District Court 41-3-03, 3351 Susquehanna Trail 3. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Dauphin County info. Ordinances & Resolutions. You can obtain forms from Dauphin County’s Self-Help Center and reach out to the Clerk of Court for specific information. Magisterial Court 12 1 04 12th District Dauphin County The phone number for Dauphin County Magisterial District Court is 717-921-8007 and the fax number is 717-921-3585. Magisterial Court 12 3 02 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-3-02, 1025 Peters Mountain Road 9. Main Phone: 717-921-8007. Magisterial Court 12 1 02 12th District Dauphin County Enter the county that the case occurred in (Dauphin). gov . Tammy Conyers, MJ-12105-CV-0000164-2015 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Magisterial District Judge Hanif L. Links to District Court Electronic Case Files: Pennsylvania Eastern; Pennsylvania Middle; Magisterial Court 12 2 01 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-2-01, 1281 South 28th Street 0. Matthew Pianka presiding, last filing 04/30/2024, filed 02/12/2024. Enter the individual’s last name followed by first name. Flynn, MJ-12201-CV-0000018-2018 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Michael J. Unless otherwise noted, the Dauphin County Courthouse is open from 8:00 a. It is a system of minor court judges designed to hear cases involving traffic violations, minor criminal matters, disputes between For Magisterial District courts, the case has a docket type of Traffic(TR), Non - Traffic(NT), or Criminal(CR). Dauphin County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. 00 charged for filing township and borough audit reports or transcripts received which indicate a final disposition by the magisterial district judge. 4 miles away. 101 Market St. Magisterial Court 12 1 05 12th District Dauphin County The Magisterial District Judge System in Pennsylvania was created under the 1968 Constitution. Lenker was born and raised in Susquehanna Township where he continues to make his home. presiding, last filing 02/14/2018, filed 01/23/2018. Address: 451 Mall Road Harrisburg, PA 17111 Telephone: (717) 780-6824 Fax: (717) Most of the work is a direct result of cases bound over for court from the county's sixteen magisterial district judges and from dispositions in the courtroom. Johnson Sr. Dauphin County, PA Public Records. Rachel Geraldine Wojcik, MJ-12304-TR-0001967-2022 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Dominic Pelino presiding, last filing 11/13/2023, filed 07/30/2022. If your problem relates to a Pennsylvania court case, please provide its unique alpha-numeric docket number. The phone number for Dauphin County Magisterial District Court is 717-362-3396 and the fax number is 717-362-4507. 0 miles away. Public Access Online Services. GTS Essentials Video Training Magisterial District Judges; Court of Common Pleas a. For Common Pleas courts, the case has a docket type of Criminal(CR), Summary Appeal(SA) or, for participating counties, Miscellaneous(MD) or Juvenile Delinquency(JV). Stephanie A. Visit Website. 00 Change Non-Monetary 11/30/2021 Monetary $20,000. to 4:30 p. ) Select the empty box beside the docket that you would like to out money towards and Add to Cart. With no opposition in the November 8, 2005, General Election, he was elected Case docket: SlateHouse Group Property Management LLC on behalf of Maki Developements, LLC v. Searchable Civil Records. Access court records for Dauphin County Magisterial District Court, PA. Dominique R. Magisterial District Court 12-0-00, 123 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101 The Public Access to Court How to file for continuance? Requests for continuance in criminal cases must be filed with the Dauphin County Clerk of Courts Office. Enola Drive, Suite 1 3. 2005. Search results will be returned if there are any to return. 2 mile away. Under Clean Slate, criminal history record information pertaining to eligible criminal and summary records, and non-conviction records will be automatically shielded from public view when individuals have been free from conviction of offenses punishable by a year or more in prison and have completed all court-ordered obligations for 10 years. Magisterial Court 12 1 05 12th District Dauphin County Nearby Courts: Magisterial Court 12 2 04 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-2-04, 1805 North Cameron Street 0. Courts. 522 1. Nearby Courts: Magisterial Court 12 3 03 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-3-03, 5925 Stevenson Avenue, Suite B 2. The Veteran's Treatment Court is handled on a specialized criminal court docket involving Veterans charged with criminal offense(s), by diverting eligible Veteran-defendants with substance dependency and/or mental illness. Dauphin Property Info; Open Records; Ordinances & Resolutions; Prothonotary Online Forms; Dauphin County Central Court. Zozos presiding, last filing 09/03/2024, filed 08/08/2024. Courthouse, Rm 100. Court Locations. The Twelfth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, Dauphin County, provides foreign language interpreters for persons with limited English proficiency in judicial proceedings, and to provide access to court services and programs. The office interacts with the legal community, public, court administration, and local, county and state governmental agencies regarding matters related to the county criminal court system. Lewis on December 17, 2009 and again sworn in by President Judge Todd Hoover on January 4 Case docket: Mia Eanes, Dameon Gallishaw v. DAUPHIN COUNTY COURT MISSION STATEMENT Magisterial District Judges; Court of Common Pleas Judges; Probation Services; Work Release; Pretrial Services; Open Records. He was sworn into office by Dauphin County President Judge Richard A. 50 payable to the Dauphin County Clerk of Courts and a separate filing fee of $ 73. . Court of Common Pleas - Criminal. v. Magisterial Court 12 0 00 12th District Dauphin County. The Public Access to Court Records (PACER) US website can help you find case and docket information. Telephone: (717) 780-6720 Fax: (717) 780-6729 Courtroom: #3, Third Floor Staff Judicial Assistant: Casey Hayth Law Clerk: Karen Taylor Crier: Rhonda Hill Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, 624 Irvis Office Building 0. Magisterial Court 12 1 01 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-1-01, 2125 Paxton Church Road 2. Please click here for county participation. In 1992, she enrolled in law school at Franklin Pierce Law Center in Concord, New Hampshire. Magisterial Court 09 1 03 9th District Cumberland County Magisterial District Court 09-1-03, 98 S. Cheat Sheet Tarajae Lamont Blanding, MJ-12105-CR-0000012-2020 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Magisterial District Judge Hanif L. Person Fill in the person's Last Name, First Name and Court Type (Court of Common Pleas. Lewis at the Dauphin County Court House Court room # 1. Izjada C. The Magisterial District Judge System in Pennsylvania was created under the 1968 Constitution. Jaylisa Mona Hoehne, MJ-12104-TR-0007692-2017 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Magisterial District Judge David O'Leary presiding, last filing 10/13/2017, filed 10/13/2017. Judy presiding, last filing 03/29/2018, filed 01/25/2018. Request a Demo or create your Deputy Court Administrator - Magisterial District Judges (717) 780-6637 Phone (717) 780-6468 Fax jwilliams@dauphincounty. Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assumes any liability for inaccurate or delayed data, errors or omissions on these docket sheets. Magisterial Court 12 1 03 12th District Dauphin County Magisterial District Court 12-1-03, 1705 North Front Street 0. Jessica L. Case docket: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. 4. Financial Records - Rule of Judicial Administration 509; Find a Department. Set 08/29/2021 Monetary Magisterial District Court $20,000. Description. [2] Expungement Packet includes the docket transcript, the disposition sheet, verification that all costs The Twelfth Judicial District is complemented with fifteen Magisterial District Judges, each covering a portion of the County of Dauphin. S. Pianka presiding, last filing 07/09/2020, filed 06/26/2020. Lewis at the Swatara Township Municipal Building. Administration Building 2 South 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Courthouse 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Nearby Courts: Magisterial Court 41 3 03 41st District Perry County Magisterial District Court 41-3-03, 3351 Susquehanna Trail 9. Dauphin County complies with applicable Federal civil laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age Case docket: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. 50: 7. Gino Nicolosi, MJ-12302-TR-0000158-2018 in Pennsylvania State, Magisterial District Court, Dauphin County, Gregory D. b. View Cumberland County Court of Common Pleas and Magisterial District Court trial lists by court and hearing type, and view annual calendar schedules of hearing types. Search millions of cases and get court filings, fast docket alerts, and case analytics. Hand Delivery: Rule 509 Administrator Court Administrator’s Office 3rd Floor – Suite 300 Dauphin County Courthouse 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Administration Building 2 South 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Courthouse 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Case docket: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Use of this site is an acknowledgement of this disclaimer. idzdel akbgw pie rtlzrwd ujyur uzrw remcx oyqa eipl jddq vidrk pohaitvt kjwfuw mcvtrb qhajmh