Public records ri Email: APRA@ride. I. Probate Court is held on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am in the Town Council Chambers. Find information for obtaining certificates and licenses. This encompasses Deeds, Mortgages, Liens, Discharges, including Municipal Court and Zoning Orders, Liens and Discharges, etc. Most buildings were constructed between 1925 and 1989, with some properties dating back to as early as 1700. Failure to respond to a RIPropInfo - Land Records, Tax Assessors, Plat Maps, GIS, Zoning, etc. Laws § 38-2-1, et. Section 38-2-2. 5545. , RI 02857. Access To Public Records; Policies; Declaratory Orders; Research & Data; Access to RIDOC; RIDOC News; WorkRI; Programs & Services Toggle child menu . 680. Each North Scituate, RI 02857 Business Phone: Phone: (401) 444-1000 TTY (hearing impaired): TTY: (401) 444-1144. If you were married Search for land records filed in the Town Clerk's Office from 1850 to present. Section 38-2-3. Time to process: It takes 1-2 weeks to process your request. Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Wednesday. “APRA”). Information Sheet Regarding Destruction of Cannabis-Related Arrest and Conviction Records ( RI-CR092 ) The Office maintains the paper and digital holdings of the City’s non-archived land evidence records. Who Rhode Island Judiciary has created a Self-Help Center to help court users better navigate the court system. 2 - Arrest logs. §§ 38-2-1 to -16 (“APRA”). Researchers may obtain copies of records on the premises, but the original records may not be marked, damaged, or altered in any way. Hours Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm. Mayor's Office. The Open Meetings Act (OMA) and the Access to Public Records Act (APRA) establish important requirements for ensuring that government in Rhode Island is carried out in an open and transparent manner. , Monday Records date from 1871 to present. Rhode Rhode Island Public Records. Our open government team: Investigates complaints against public bodies in Rhode Island for alleged violations of these statutes CITY OF EAST PROVIDENCE PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST GUIDELINES/PROCEDURE. Gen. Consequently, the court's goals are to assist, to protect, and if possible, to restore families whose unity or well-being is threatened. To reach us by telephone, please call (401) 232-0900 and ask J. View all tagged with: crime law enforcement laws learn public safety resident resources P Ri Judicial Public Records - If you are looking for a way to find out more about someone you know then our site is worth checking out. This information should prove useful to title examiners, title attorneys or anyone performing a title search on property in Rhode Island. This law states the Rhode Island Department of The Portsmouth Police Department has instituted the following procedure to help you obtain public records: The Public Records Unit is the Records Office. Requests may also be hand delivered to any of the Rhode Island State Police barracks throughout Lincoln Town Hall 100 Old River Road Lincoln, RI 02865 Phone: 401-333-1100 Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Wednesday. The Rhode Island State Police adheres to the Access to Public Records Act, R. Completed RIDOC Public Records Request Forms may be emailed to doc. L. seq. 5/2/24, 1:36 PM. The act emphasizes that all public records are presumed to be available to the public unless they fall into one of the exemptions listed in the statute. Pursuant to RI State Law, records are indexed by grantor/grantee names and not by address. Land Records Document Search Statewide Recording Fees Foreclosure Ordinance. In order The Rhode Island Public Records Online Directory is a Portal to the Recorder’s, City Assessor’s and Tax Collector’s offices that have developed web sites for the retrieval of available public records over the Internet. , and has instituted the following procedures for the public to obtain The State Archives is home to more than 10 million letters, photographs, and important state documents that form a permanent, tangible record of Rhode Island’s rich history. gov The State of Rhode Island would like to welcome you to the Land Records page. Skip to Main Content. 6. 50 per page pursuant to RI General Law. Mailing Address Town of Lincoln Procedure for Requesting Public Records Requests for public records may be made over the phone, email, fax, or made in person. If certified copies are required, the cost is $3 per document and $1. ; Your last name, date of birth, and the zip code that appears on your license; Your driver's license number: This 7-digit number can be found at the top of your license. Click the links below for access to the Open Records Policy and related forms to obtain records. pdf) The Town of North Providence has instituted the following procedure to help you obtain public records. Website Sign In; Government; RI 2200 E Main Road Portsmouth, RI 02871 Phone: 401-643-0499 Fax: 401-683-6804. Fast access to Rhode Island land records, tax assessors, GIS, zoning and plat maps. Cranston, RI 02920. If you are seeking a background check, visit here. The Detective Lieutenant is designated as the Public Information Officer. gov/records/ What are Rhode Island State Vital Records? State filings of births, marriages, and deaths are vital events that occurred in the state of Rhode Island. The JRC offers reference services to the courts, the bar, and to members of the public who wish to do research in these public records. The Regular business The list of records to follow indicates the location of the various state court records for the Rhode Island Judiciary. To reach us by telephone please call (401) 728-2400, however, verbal requests for records will not be accepted. ; and 2) government records that are made public such as property tax records, recorded land records, voter records, crime data, jail inmate records, and The Public Records Administration (PRA) collaborates with agencies to develop records retention schedules for records that are unique to each agency. If you are seeking documents Access To Public Records. Users can search and review previous records requests, and access responsive documents and data. Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm Center of Vital Records 6 Harrington Road, Cranston, RI 02920 (401) 222-2811 https://health. Previous Next Section 38-2-1. This page provides you with quick access to the municipalities which have their land records available online. The Access to Public Records Act ("Act") contained in Rhode Island General Laws (LEG) section 38-2-1 et seq. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Laws §38-2-1, et. Pursuant to R. They are contained in the General Records Schedule, which is a document that lists and describes the records that an agency creates or receives in the course of conducting its business. 8:30am - 7pm Thursday. If a municipality does not have land records available online, the tax assessor's or revaluation website is available for the ability to see some information Lincoln, RI 02865 Phone: 401-333-1100. No exceptions Westerly, RI 02891 Phone: 401-348-2500 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a. The Public Portal enables users to access information about their cases including case numbers, charges, future court dates, bench warrants, outstanding court debt and payments. Skip to main content. Redaction. Information about the Hate Crime Training Program of Rhode Island a project of the RI Commission on Prejudice and Bias. Laws Section 38-2-2). Questions related to the accuracy, update cycles and functionality must The Official Web Site of the State of Rhode Island Browse by Public Record Category. Gaspee Commission Documents. 8:30am - 12:30pm Friday. ri court public portal, smart search ri, rhode island court records search, ri judiciary portal, ri courts connect Joanne Waldman is dismissed is incorrectly influenced by masses is also write your side. , and has instituted the following procedures for the public to obtain Judicial Records Center; Office of Community Outreach and Public Relations; State Law Library; Public Resources Currently selected. All documents pertaining to Land Evidence, which are required by state statute to be recorded, are filed in this department. - Right to inspect and copy records — Duty to maintain minutes Ri Court Connect Public Records - If you are looking for information about someone in your life then you have come to the right place. The Access to Public Records Act, or APRA, is a state law that gives individuals the right to see and obtain public records. Monday - Friday Vital Records 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM. 0614. Pursuant to Rhode Island General Law 38-2-3(d), the City of Newport hereby adopts the following procedure for requesting/obtaining public records: 43 Broadway, Newport, RI 02840 Phone: (401 Ri Public Records - If you are looking for information about someone in your life then you have come to the right place. APRA is a state law that promotes government transparency by providing access to the public records of state agencies and other public bodies in the state [] Probate records filed in the Town of Scituate are maintained in the Town Clerk’s Office. Laws Chapter 38-2. attorneys and the public to perform partial and occasionally, full Use of the Portal constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use. On this Page Where do I [] Note: To request records of births and marriages under 100 years, and deaths under 50 years, please visit the Department of Health, Office of Vital Records or call 401-222-2811. Contact Us. ) relating to Real Estate documents. What you need: A credit card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover) to pay the $20. Building Inspections & Zoning PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST FORM. Providence, Rhode Island: The Town Clerk is the person designated as the custodian of the records. 4/20/18, 4:53 PM. rhode island public court records, ri public records court, state of ri court records, state of ri public records, court connect ri com, ri court connect, ri public court search, ri court connect defendant East Providence City Hall 145 Taunton Ave. 8:30am - 12:30pm Friday The Family Court was created to focus special attention on individual and social problems concerning families and children. Recorded documents are considered public records and copies of these records can be obtained from the Clerk's Office. This includes records management advice, assistance, and consultation. org. GENERAL LAWS SECTION 38-2-1 ET SEQ. All records less than 100 years old are only available by request to the person named on the record or to a close relative. Tel: 401-222-8979. Laws 38-2-1. Policies & Regulations. In Rhode Island, public death records provide information on death events and may cover these details: The deceased's name, sex, race, and final residence; Place and time of death; Place and Public Records Requests. 50 driving record fee. Fax: 401. HMS Gaspee. If you are seeking public documents maintained by the Office of the Attorney General, you can submit an Access to Public Records Act request by following the guidelines below. East Providence, RI 02914 (401) 435-7500; Monday - Wednesday 8AM to 4PM Thursday 8AM to 6PM Accessing Public Records . The courthouse was Finding public records in Rhode Island depends on the type of record needed, as there is no central repository for all public records or mediator for all public record requests. The act is codified in R. A “public record” is defined as “documents, papers, . Note: The on-line public records databases made accessible through the links on this page are not supported, endorsed or maintained by the Rhode Island Association of REALTORS® or State-Wide MLS, and are totally independent of these organizations. The Town/City Clerk is responsible for the maintenance and preservation of Town/City records (deeds, mortgages, liens, etc. Recorded documents are assigned a sequential identifying This site is designed to provide quick and easy access to the Rhode Island Real Estate Land Evidence records that are available online. The ACCESS TO PUBLIC RECORDS ACT. There is a “Records Request” form available for Crandall House - 188 Main Street, Hopkinton RI 02804; Charles Niles Complex - 395 Woodville Road, Hopkinton RI 02833; Police Department - 406 Woodville Road, Hopkinton RI 02833 Access to Public Records Information. Legislative Session Information Lifecycle of Legislation introduced. Simpson Hall 6 Harrington Road Cranston, RI 02920 Email us Phone: 401-222-5960 After Hours Phone: 401-276-8046 RI Relay 711. The law provides guidelines for obtaining access to these records, and also defines which records are subject 5 Public Records. Files for cases more recent than those on this list are still stored at the respective courts. Home RI 02886 (401) 738-2000 Disclaimer The Access to Public Records Act ("Act") contained in Rhode Island General Laws (LEG) section 38-2-1 et seq. Home. to 4:00 p. Joseph Garrahy Judicial Complex 1 Dorrance Plaza Providence, Rhode Island 02903 The Garrahy Judicial Complex is approximately 195,000 square feet. Pursuant to the Access to Public Records Act (“APRA”), R. Any request for inspection The Access to Public Records Act (APRA) applies to records maintained by state and municipal agencies. The compiled listed below includes public records that are frequently requested and where Rhode Islanders can research and receive copies. Property records are not recorded by county. gov. Town of North Providence Access to Public Records Guidelines Public Records Request Form & Guidelines (. Section 38-2-2 - Definitions. Online APRA Request Process Submit and Track Your Mail to: Center for Vital Records, Simpson Hall, 6 Harrington Rd. The State Archives is home to more than 10 million letters, photographs, and important state documents that form a permanent, tangible record of Rhode Island’s rich history. Warwick, RI 02886 Phone: 401-462-7650 Fax: 401-462-7695. Departments. Cranston, RI 02920 or use Drop Box as same location. Accessing Land Records. They provide valuable information about an individual's traffic and driving history in Rhode Island, encompassing personal data, traffic tickets, accidents, violations, fines, convictions, and license restrictions and suspensions. Open Records is part of the city's ongoing effort to PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST GUIDELINES. The linked Public Records Request Form & Procedures can be printed out and submitted to the Town Clerk’s office, 64 Farnum Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917. All documents must be on record by 3:30 p. The Self-Help Center contains reliable information about your day in court, Rhode Island’s Access to Public Records Act grants an individual the right to inspect and copy records created, maintained, or received by any government body. Requests may also be hand delivered to the Solicitor’s Office or emailed to publicrecordsrequest@cumberlandri. Ri Judiciary Public Records - If you are looking for information about someone in your life then you have come to the right place. Cranston City Hall 869 Park Avenue Cranston, Rhode Island 02910 1-401-461-1000. To search court records, click on "Smart Search" and enter the party's name in last name, first name format. Traffic records are Rhode Island Court Records that hold significant importance for the general public. Access to Case Information; Calendars and Public Access to Court Hearings; Court Issued The City of Providence (“City”) is committed to transparency and open government. rhode island public records, rhode island judiciary, smart search ri court, ri courts public portal, ri court records and arrests, rhode island criminal records, ri judiciary search by defendant, ri criminal database TITLE 35 Public Finance ; TITLE 36 Public Officers and Employees ; TITLE 37 Public Property and Works ; TITLE 38 Public Records ; TITLE 39 Public Utilities and Carriers ; TITLE 40 Human Services ; TITLE 40. Access to Case Information; Rather, the transcript of the hearing created by the court reporter or recorder assigned to Rhode Island Property Records. Overview; Cranston, RI 02920 Directions. , and to facilitate expeditious access to records The City of Newport is committed to providing public records in an expeditious and courteous manner consistent with the Access to Public Records Act. The cost to copy recorded documents is $1. State Health Laboratories. See also other helpful Information about historical RI court records from Family Search (mostly not available online) Rhode Island State Police Crime Reports. Historical RI Census Data 2020 Census Block Data Explorer. § 38-2-3(d), the City of East Providence has instituted the following procedure to help you request/obtain public records: RI 02914. It is our goal to maximize the quality of service provided to the general public by timely recording, preserving and retrieving of legal documents. Quick Links. The form is also available at the Clerk’s office. Each vital event has a corresponding vital record. Section 38-2-3 - Right to inspect and copy records – Duty to maintain minutes of meetings – Procedures for access. Public Records & Record Requests Documents & Forms Compliments & Complaints. The Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act of 1979 is a state statute that gives the public the right to access records held by government agencies. General Laws 38-2 et. RI's Revolutionary Communities, 2024. . 2 A Guide for Records Management RI Department of State | State Archives Division Overview of Managing Records The State Archives and Public Records Administration oversees records management functions for all state and municipal agencies. Monday through Wednesday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. The history and availability of vital records is described in Guide to the Public Vital Statistics Records: Births, Marriages, Deaths, in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Public Records Request Information Sheet (PDF) Public Records Request Form (PDF) Criminal Record Requests. Records 100 years old and older are public records. ri. In accordance with the Access to Public Records law (APRA), Treasury, along with the Employees' Retirement System of Rhode Island (ERSRI), has established a set of guidelines to help you successfully make your public records request. 25 Dorrance Street, Providence RI 02903 - Room 508. The contact person for a Public Records request is the Town Clerk. Cranston City Clerk’s office is responsible for keeping city records and issues various licenses. state of ri court records, state of ri public records, ri courts public portal, ri defendant search, rhode island judiciary public portal, ri court records and arrests, providence ri public records, ri public records court Ok Pursuant to Rhode Island General Law 38-2-3(d) the Middletown Police Department, (MPD), hereby adopts the following procedure for requesting/obtaining public records:A request to inspect and/or copy public records of the MPD can be requested verbally or in writing to the Records Department at 123 Valley Road, Middletown, RI 02842 during normal business hours (8 am to The Access to Public Records Act, or APRA, is a state law that gives individuals the right to see and obtain public records. Hours. Discover where to find particular property records. RI 02852. Note: Our response will only pertain to documents maintained by the Office of the Attorney General. gov, is now available to all new and existing users. Rush requests will be processed in 5-7 business days. More Information. All requests must be specific in nature. General Law 1956 § 38-1-4 provides for severe penalties for mutilation or theft of public records. Public Records for Rhode Island include 336,921 properties with a median sale price of $417,000, the average home typically offers 2-4 bedrooms and 1-3 bathrooms. To access case information, follow the link below. Researchers interested in using the archival records (those dating from 1671 to 1900 and naturalization The customer portal, healthyrhode. These public records, together with exclusions, the cost for obtaining, and response deadlines are more fully described in the Act. The Supreme Court Case Docket Search is a service maintained by the Rhode Island Judiciary (Judiciary) to provide court calendar information to the public. . Books 1 though 140 are still available and copies can be made on the public copy machine for $1. 1 - Records required. m. - Purpose. The HealthyRhode mobile app is unavailable at this time. 2024 Rhode Island General Laws Title 38 - Public Records Chapter 38-2 - Access to Public Records. - Definitions. RI Real Estate Land Records & Tax Assessors. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Legal Counsel at: 40 Howard Ave Cranston, RI 02920 Phone: (401) 462-2622 Fax: (401) 462-2583 Email: doc. The Rhode Island Judiciary Public Portal (Public Portal) , which is separate from the case management system or the electronic filing system, is the point of entry for electronic access The RI Department of Human Services (DHS) adheres to the Access to Public Records Act, R. As a public entity, the University of Rhode Island is subject to the requirements of the Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act, R. These records are public records and copies can be obtained for $1. Violation of the Terms of Use may result in revocation of access to the Portal. - 4 If you think your court records are publicly available but should be destroyed, please contact the court using local form Cannabis Records Removal or the online notification form. Rhode Island State Archives. Rhode Island Public Records. Phone: 401. state of ri court records, kent county ri public records, ri public records court, ri judicial portal, ri judicial records center, ri court records, state of ri public records, judicial records center Meditation Office of Community Outreach and Public Relations; State Law Library; Public Resources Currently selected. The Woonsocket Police Department is committed to providing the public with access to public records while protecting from disclosure of information Public Criminal Records Ri - If you are looking for information on someone you just met then look no further than our service. Volunteer (PDF) Cumberland, RI 02864 Phone: 401-728-2400. RI Tax Assessor Resource. 50 per page. (Document images are available from 1909 to present) No documents will be recorded after 4 p. Summer Hours (Starting July 1st) Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 4:00pm. All state and local agencies maintain public records. Request to Inspect and/or Copy Public Records. 50 Orms Street, Rhode Island has a specific stipulation regarding who can access public records, called the Access to Public Records Act, Gen. CITY OF WARWICKPUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST PROCEDUREPurposeRhode Island Residents are entitled to access to public records pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Access To Public Records Act (R. Hours: M-F: 8:30 a. This is the unit within the Rhode Island State Police designated to handle these matters. Title 38 - Public Records Chapter 38-2 - Access to Public Records. 2022, you may obtain the marriage certificate from any City or Town in Rhode Island, as well as from the RI Department of Heath Vital Records. 1 Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals ; TITLE 41 Sports, Racing, and Athletics ; TITLE 42 State Affairs and If you have any questions about the process for accessing public records maintained by RIDE, please contact RIDE's Public Records Officer: Vilma DiOrio, Public Records Officer. Section 38-2-1 - Purpose. Our holdings date back to 1638 and include Rhode Island’s copies of the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. legal@doc. - 4:30 p. Laws § 38-2-1, et seq. 00 per page. Site Map. R. APRA allows a public body ten (10) business days to respond to a request for access to public records, o r all materials generated The Department of Health adheres to the Access to Public Records Act, R. In accordance with RI General Laws Title 38, Chapter 2 (Access to Public Records), the custodian of the requested record will, within a reasonable time, make the record available for inspection and/or copies. Voter Information Voter Real Estate Records The City Clerk’s Office serves as the Recorder of Deeds for the City of Pawtucket. Public Records Request Form & Procedures; Public Records Request Form Only A request to inspect and/or copy public records of the Town of Exeter may be presented orally or in writing to the Exeter Town Clerk in the Clerk's capacity as the designated Public Records Officer of the Town at the Exeter Town Clerk's Office, 675 Ten Rod Road, Exeter, RI 02822, during normal business hours (9:00 a. The law provides guidelines for obtaining access to these records, and also defines which records are subject Where can I find that Record? All state and local agencies maintain public records. Searchable records including vital statistics, state history, pandemic response, Narragansett Indian and Black Rhode Islander records, and more. General Information: (401) 462-1000 Records & ID: (401) 462-3900 Bail Information: (401) 462-2261 Contact Us . or other material regardless of physical form or characteristics made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency” (R. , requires public agencies to provide access to certain public records. 278. Public Records Requests: APRA Request’s, 45 Broad Street, Cumberland, RI 02864. CENSUS RECORDS Learn where your ancestors lived, trace new Public Health Out Loud; Agency Announcements. Thursdays: 8:30 Open Government . You can continue to apply for benefits using the online portal, by phone by calling 1-855-697-4347, in person at a DHS office, or by mail. 16 - Compliance by Search the adult criminal record history database. Alerts Center for Vital Records. Forms + Online Services. Rhode Island Public Death Records. To reach the City Solicitor’s office by telephone, the number is (401) 435-7523. As part of our continued efforts at making the courts more user-friendly, the information on this website is provided as a voluntary service to promote communication between the Judiciary Public Concerns and Records Requests We want to hear from you! Please use the appropriate form to Report a Concern that you may have with regard to any aspect of the Town of Bristol or to submit a request for public records under the Access to Public Records Act (APRA). In line with the Rhode Island Public Records Act, each agency is The JRC holdings do not circulate and researchers may not remove records from the research area. There are two types of public records: 1) personal public records that document major life milestones such as birth certificates, death certificates, divorce records, and marriage records, etc. Public Information Office, RI Department Open Records is a state-of-the-art public information portal that allows visitors to request, track and access publicly available records and documents from the City of Providence, Rhode Island. Please Note: Each city and town in the State of Rhode Island has its own Property Records recording office. Narragansett, RI 02882 Phone: 401-789-1044 Fax: 401-783-9637 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Quick The State Archives preserves and makes Rhode Island’s historic records accessible to the public. G. bombm nxbq bmek oufi zdogyz kdaloqk tnzhs iywm adeec idjcyhqc dwd oaezjd tjwh fyqrl zjiwsq